Write Those Worries Away
Journaling is one of three tools that I think everyone should have in their toolbox. For some it can feel odd and junior high-like to write each day, but I can almost guarantee that if you consistently do it you will see benefit from it.
There’s no right or wrong way to journal. However, when you are trying to process anxiety and move past those feelings of stress and frustration I would recommend two ways of journaling. The first is mind dumping. Spend the first ten minutes of your day just writing what comes to mind. Often getting things on paper helps clear your head. It also gives you a chance to process things as you write. It is not uncommon to be unsure where to start the first few times. The more you do it, the easier the writing comes and soon enough you’ll be writing things you didn’t realize were rattling around up there.
The second way I’d suggest someone with anxiety journal is to do a gratitude journal. This can really help shift your mindset from focusing on the things you’re struggling with to things you are grateful for. Finding an attitude of gratitude can truly be a game changer. Start by writing 3-5 things you’re grateful for each day. Don’t be afraid to go super specific and small. Finding things to appreciate can be a struggle, so forcing yourself to dig deep can be a great experience for your mind.
If you decide to start journaling I would choose when you plan to do it (morning, lunch time, evening) and for how long (10 min, 15, 20?) and how often (everyday, twice a week, three times?). Make a plan and stick to the plan. I feel certain that you will see an improvement in your managing your anxiety if you implement journaling into your routine.